Back to school!

I am finding it harder than I anticipated to work (part-timeish) outside of the home. However, I am respecting this time of transition and allowing everyone to experience this new normal before having a melt down. Work will get better once my training period is over. Right now I am learning a lot and going through lots of paperwork. I am finding that some things at home just have to slide to the side. (Hello, laundry pile up to my ears. Good-bye bi-weekly blogging.) Mama's working, babysitter's coming over, Daddy's sleeping. It's all new and I am giving myself the space to make it all work.

It will work. You know what really, really helps? That school has started.

Amen. Praise Jesus for He is good.

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Cora felt the need to photo bomb our little photo shoot. Have you forgotten what she looks like because I am a terrible blogger? She turned 15 months old today. Maybe I'll post again two weeks from now and write her monthly update. If not, here she is with her favorite person.

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I would like the record to state that Simon was a little shit about taking these pictures. (Just keeping it real, folks.) He was embarrassed and didn't really want to look at me or smile. Don't worry, Sunshine. I will be taking your picture on every first day of school. FOR FOREVER. 

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So now he is a 3rd grader and is half-way through his elementary school years. (Be still my heart.) His classroom is on the other side of the building and he is on the other playground at recess. Lunch comes later in the day and he has homework every night. Bascially, he has a whole new normal to learn too.

I'm giving him the same grace that I am giving myself.

We'll both make it through just fine.

Kindergarten, First Grade (that video still makes me laugh), Second Grade. TOLD YOU, KID.

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